With this album, the two musicians just wanted to make discover several differents belgian and foreign pieces for oboe (or english horn) and piano that they particularly love.
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1. Drie Vlaamse Dansen, Dans 1 (Joseph Ryelandt (1870 - 1965))
2. Drie Vlaamse Dansen, Dans 2
3. Drie Vlaamse Dansen, Dans 3
4. Romance (Carl Nielsen (1865 - 1931))
5. Les Récits de Sancho Pança (Pascal Proust (1959 -))
6. In de Velden (Peter Benoit (1834 - 1901))
7. Fantasy Pieces, Romance (Frank Martin (1890 - 1974))
8. Fantasy Pieces, Humoresque
9. Fantaisie Originale Théodore Lalliet (1837 - 1892))
10. Petite Complainte (Gyu Duijck (1927 - 2008))
11. Sonatine, Allegretto (Gabriel Verschraegen (1919 - 1974))
12. Sonatine Aria
13. Sonatine Rondo
14. Capriccio (Amilcare Ponchielli (1834 - 1886))